Firas Haddad’s Digital Project

Some time ago, we discussed Classroom Management Techniques with fellow students in my PIDP 3250 class.  Firas has created an excellent digital project using PowerPoint Office Mix, and subsequently editing it by utilizing Microsoft Movie Maker.  I like Firas’s project since it is unique and discusses a very relevant issue to many of us instructors.  Classroom Management can be a source of great stress for many beginning instructors as they struggle to find an appropriate balance of strictness while simultaneously preserving student freedom.  A view of Firas’s digital project will provide you with some familiarity of challenges experienced with classroom management.

Firas focuses on “Classroom Management” which he defines as “a process of ensuring that classrooms run smoothly, even in the face of disruptive behaviours.”  Classroom Management involves a few key aspects:

  1. Rules & Expectations
  2. Disruptive Behaviours
  3. Cellphone Usage

For classrooms to run smoothly, students must be very clear on the rules and expectations of the learning environment.  This may include factors such as mutual respect, confidentiality, equality and diversity, punctuality, and class code of conduct.  Disruptive behaviours such as talking during lecture time, challenging the instructor, and/or monopolizing class discussions must be dealt with appropriately.  There should be a clear policy with respect to cellphone usage.  Often, certain industries such as healthcare may have very strict guidelines for cellphone usage and applied programs at the college level must model acceptable practices that extend into industry.

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