John Boulton’s Digital Project

The following is a digital project created by a fellow PIDP 3250 student, John Boulton.  The project is on the Student Engagement Technique of “Poster Sessions.”  Please preview the video below to get a sense of how this technique can be put into action in the classroom.

I particularly like John Boulton’s use of VideoScribe for this video and it has served as inspiration for my own digital project.  John highlights the technique of Poster Sessions in order to encourage active student learning.  This particular strategy is learner-centered, a philosophy I personally ascribe to.  My personal focus is to inspire students to be active in their learning and therefore provide them some leeway with research projects.  John suggests the following steps for implementing Poster Sessions in the classroom:

  1. Choose a subject for learning
  2. Create guidelines for the project and a marking rubric for student expectations
  3. Discuss and agree on topics of interest to focus projects on
  4. Research and produce a poster
  5. Exhibit the poster to the class – encouraging group feedback
  6. Share the learning

Allowing students some control over their learning enhances intrinsic motivation and shifts the focus of learning to the student.  As John mentions, it is a great tool to promote active learning.

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